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如何在 elasticsearch 8.5.3 using Starter Data Elasticsearch maven java springboot 3.0.1 中配置安全

[英]How to configure security in elasticsearch 8.5.3 using Starter Data Elasticsearch 3.0.1 in maven java springboot

I was able to create an elasticsearch 8.5.3 server as a docker image, but with security completely disabled, and in my springboot application I am using ElasticsearchRepository to perform insert,update, and delete and ElasticsearchOperations to perform selection and search, both of these classes/interfaces are included in the Spring Boot Starter Data Elasticsearch 3.0.1 dependency, and I am also using the following application.yaml property to tell both where the server is at我能够创建一个 elasticsearch 8.5.3 服务器作为 docker 图像,但安全性完全禁用,在我的 springboot 应用程序中,我使用ElasticsearchRepository执行插入、更新和删除,使用ElasticsearchOperations执行选择和搜索,这两个类/接口包含在 Spring Boot Starter Data Elasticsearch 3.0.1 依赖项中,我还使用以下 application.yaml 属性来告知服务器所在的位置

  uris = 
   - http://localhost:9700
# username: elastic
# password: 123

Now, here is my issue: I set up another elasticsearch server with complete security features to test my springboot code in a real life scenario, but I can't figure out how to change the application.yaml to add the certificate portion of the security options, I've been stuck on this portion for a week now, I know it contains options like spring.elasticsearch.username and spring.elasticsearch.password , which aren't the issue, but where is the option for the certificate, and how can I make the certificate work on both ElasticsearchRepository and ElasticsearchOperation ?现在,这是我的问题:我设置了另一个具有完整安全功能的 elasticsearch 服务器来在现实生活场景中测试我的 springboot 代码,但我不知道如何更改应用程序。yaml 以添加安全的证书部分选项,我已经在这部分停留了一个星期了,我知道它包含诸如spring.elasticsearch.usernamespring.elasticsearch.password之类的选项,这不是问题,但证书的选项在哪里,我该如何制作证书适用于ElasticsearchRepositoryElasticsearchOperation吗? I gathered from the majority of tutorials that I need to construct a @configuration class, however the point is that, most, if not all of the tutorials use deprecated methods(I am stuck in a 'This is deprecated' loop), like for example High Level Rest Client.我从大多数教程中收集到我需要构建一个@configuration class,但关键是,大多数(如果不是所有)教程都使用已弃用的方法(我陷入了“这已被弃用”循环),例如例如高级 Rest 客户端。 I'm confused as to how to make ElasticsearchRepository and ElasticsearchOperation utilize the specified @Configuration, and what is the alternative to the High Level Rest Client (I think its RestClient based on what I read on the official documentations, but I cant figure out how to implement it with spring boot elasticsearch data starter)我对如何使 ElasticsearchRepository 和 ElasticsearchOperation 使用指定的@Configuration 感到困惑,以及高级 Rest Client 的替代方案是什么(我认为它的RestClient基于我在官方文档中阅读的内容,但我无法弄清楚如何用 spring 启动 elasticsearch 数据启动器来实现它)

You can configure the client used by Spring Data Elasticsearch by providing a configuration bean, this is described in the documentation at https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#elasticsearch.clients.restclient .您可以通过提供配置bean 来配置Spring 数据Elasticsearch 使用的客户端,这在https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#elasticsearch 的文档中有描述。客户.restclient Details for the client configuration are a little further down the docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#elasticsearch.clients.configuration .客户端配置的详细信息位于文档下方:https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#elasticsearch.clients.configuration

This gives you the possibility to configure authentication and ssl setup (there is also a usingSsl method taking a ssl context which can be customized further).这使您可以配置身份验证和 ssl 设置(还有一个usingSsl方法采用 ssl 上下文,可以进一步自定义)。

I can't tell you which properties to set in the application configuration, this is a Spring Boot topic, Spring Data Elasticsearch does not read or use any configured values by itself.我不能告诉你在应用程序配置中设置哪些属性,这是一个 Spring 引导主题, Spring 数据 Elasticsearch 本身不读取或使用任何配置值。

What you can do is to extend ElasticsearchConfiguration and override clientConfiguration method.您可以做的是扩展ElasticsearchConfiguration并覆盖clientConfiguration方法。 There you can use usingSsl method and pass SSLContext :在那里你可以使用usingSsl方法并传递SSLContext

class ElasitcSearchConfig extends ElasticsearchConfiguration {

    private String certificateBase64;

    ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration() {
        final ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
                .withBasicAuth("elastic", "changeme")
        return clientConfiguration;

    private SSLContext getSSLContext() {
        byte[] decode = Base64.decoder.decode(certificateBase64)

        CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");

        Certificate ca;
        try (InputStream certificateInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(decode)) {
            ca = cf.generateCertificate(certificateInputStream);

        String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType);
        keyStore.load(null, null);
        keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", ca);

        String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
        TrustManagerFactory tmf = 

        SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
        return context;


certificateBase64 will hold elasticsearch certificate encoded in base64 format and can be injected through properties file or environment variable (name of the property spring.elasticsearch.client.certificate ). certificateBase64将持有以 base64 格式编码的 elasticsearch 证书,可以通过属性文件或环境变量(属性名称spring.elasticsearch.client.certificate )注入。 The code to create ssl context was originally taken from this answer .创建 ssl 上下文的代码最初取自此答案

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