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如何刷新 axios 中的令牌?

[英]How to refresh token in axios?

My question is related to customAxios.interceptors.response.use .我的问题与customAxios.interceptors.response.use有关。 My purpose here is;我的目的是; if the token expired and I got a 401 error, make a request again where I got a 401 error and write the new token to the headers.如果令牌过期并且出现 401 错误,请在出现 401 错误的地方再次发出请求并将新令牌写入标头。 On the other hand, if I get an error except for the 401 error, show me the error.response.data .另一方面,如果我收到除 401 错误之外的错误,请显示error.response.data Do you think this logic is set up correctly?你认为这个逻辑设置正确吗? I tried to test but I wasn't sure especially 401 error cases我尝试测试但我不确定,尤其是 401 错误情况

import axios from "axios";
import { LoginAPI } from "../playwright/tests/login/login.api";
import { test } from "@playwright/test"
import {configEnv} from "../config/config"

test.beforeAll(async () => {
    await LoginAPI.API.Signin.run()
const customAxios = axios.create({
    baseURL: configEnv.apiBaseURL

    async (config) => {
        if (config.headers) {
            config.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${LoginAPI.States.token}`;
            return config;
        return config;
    (error) => {

    function(response) {
      return response;
   async function(error) {
      if (401 === error.response.status) {
        await LoginAPI.API.Signin.run()
        customAxios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${LoginAPI.States.token}`
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(error.response.data);

export default customAxios

I would recommend you to store your token in a localStorage and then replace it after refresh.我建议您将令牌存储在 localStorage 中,然后在刷新后替换它。 This way you can set a token in your API class in one place.这样你就可以在你的 API class 一个地方设置一个令牌。

import axios from "axios";

export const ApiClient = () => {
    // Create a new axios instance
    const api = axios.create({
        baseURL: "URL",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            Accept: "application/json",

    // Add a request interceptor to add the JWT token to the authorization header
        (config) => {
            const token = sessionStorage.getItem("jwtToken");
            if (token) {
                config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
            return config;
        (error) => Promise.reject(error)

    // Add a response interceptor to refresh the JWT token if it's expired
        (response) => response,
        (error) => {
            const originalRequest = error.config;

            // If the error is a 401 and we have a refresh token, refresh the JWT token
            if (
                error.response.status === 401 &&
            ) {
                const refreshToken = sessionStorage.getItem("refreshToken");

                let data = JSON.stringify({
                    refresh_token: refreshToken,

                post("/refreshToken", data)
                    .then((response) => {
                        sessionStorage.setItem("jwtToken", response.token);
                        sessionStorage.setItem("refreshToken", response.refresh_token);

                        // Re-run the original request that was intercepted
                        originalRequest.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${response.token}`;
                            .then((response) => {
                                return response.data;
                            .catch((error) => {
                        // return api(originalRequest)
                    .catch((err) => {
                        // If there is an error refreshing the token, log out the user

            // Return the original error if we can't handle it
            return Promise.reject(error);

    const login = (email, password) => {
        return api
            .post("/authentication_token", { email, password })
            .then(({ data }) => {
                // Store the JWT and refresh tokens in session storage
                sessionStorage.setItem("jwtToken", data.token);
                sessionStorage.setItem("refreshToken", data.refresh_token);
            .catch((err) => {
                // Return the error if the request fails
                return err;

    const get = (path) => {
        return api.get(path).then((response) => response.data);

    const post = (path, data) => {
        return api.post(path, data).then((response) => response.data);

    const put = (path, data) => {
        return api.put(path, data).then((response) => response.data);

    const del = (path) => {
        return api.delete(path).then((response) => response);

    return {

Best, Chris最好的,克里斯

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