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没有有效的 SOAPaction 无法访问 WSDL

[英]Can't access WSDL without valid SOAPaction

I'm trying to look at a WSDL response to get a list of actions but it always fails without a valid SOAPAction header. Setting SOAPAction to an empty string returns same error.我正在尝试查看 WSDL 响应以获取操作列表,但如果没有有效的 SOAPAction header,它总是会失败。将 SOAPAction 设置为空字符串会返回相同的错误。

Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: <some-value>

Using the content type optional value like so returns the same error:像这样使用内容类型可选值会返回相同的错误:

application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; action=<some-value>

What is the proper order of operations to get the full WSDL response containing a valid set of actions?获得包含一组有效操作的完整 WSDL 响应的正确操作顺序是什么? Other requests fail with the same error despite using the documented action name.尽管使用记录的操作名称,其他请求仍会失败并出现相同的错误。 Possibly it's listed differently in the WSDL可能它在 WSDL 中列出的不同

If I make a POST request to the documented wsdl url https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/wsdl.aspx?ver=2021-11-01如果我向记录的 wsdl url https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/wsdl.aspx?ver=2021-11-01发出 POST 请求

I get a document like:我得到这样的文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <wsdl:import namespace="http://thalesgroup.com/RTTI/2021-11-01/ldb/" location="rtti_2021-11-01_ldb.wsdl" />
    <wsdl:service name="ldb">
        <wsdl:port name="LDBServiceSoap" binding="tns:LDBServiceSoap">
            <soap:address location="https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/ldb12.asmx" />
        <wsdl:port name="LDBServiceSoap12" binding="tns:LDBServiceSoap12">
            <soap12:address location="https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/ldb12.asmx" />

If I then make a POST request to the listed service address https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/ldb12.asmx I get 401 unauthorised.如果我然后向列出的服务地址https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBWS/ldb12.asmx发出 POST 请求,我得到 401 未授权。

I can then send a SOAP document containing the token I have for the service like然后我可以发送一个 SOAP 文档,其中包含我拥有的服务令牌,例如

<?xml version="1.0"?>
xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:service="http://thalesgroup.com/RTTI/2014-02-20/ldb/" xmlns:types="http://thalesgroup.com/RTTI/2010-11-01/ldb/commontypes">

But then get a 500 internal server error:但随后得到 500 内部服务器错误:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <faultstring>Unable to handle request without a valid action parameter. Please supply a valid soap action.</faultstring>
            <detail />

But no value I use as the SOAPAction header returns anything other than Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: valuehere .但是我没有使用任何值,因为SOAPAction header 返回除 Server 以外的任何Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: valuehere Adding ?WSDL to the url does nothing.添加?WSDL到 url 什么都不做。

For any future googlers: I found the proper wsdl at:对于任何未来的谷歌员工:我在以下位置找到了正确的 wsdl:


That lists the actual SOAPAction values that I can use to get past that error.它列出了我可以用来克服该错误的实际 SOAPAction 值。

Now I just get even more unhelpful...现在我变得更加无助了......

        <soap:Text xml:lang="en">Unexpected server error</soap:Text>
    <soap:Detail />

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