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如何将我的 Drools 工作台与 git 存储库同步

[英]How do I sync my Drools workbench with git repository

I have a need to sync my Drools workbench with Git repository.我需要将我的 Drools 工作台与 Git 存储库同步。 Are there any steps to do it.有没有什么步骤可以做到。 The Drools workbench is running on a linux machine. Drools 工作台在 linux 机器上运行。

I'm running 3 shell scripts written by someone else but我正在运行 3 shell 别人写的脚本但是

spawn git clone ssh://username@localhost:8001/MySpace/reponame is not executing. spawn git clone ssh://username@localhost:8001/MySpace/reponame 未执行。

You will need a bit more than "not executing" to debug this.您将需要比“不执行”更多的东西来调试它。

Try at least a ssh -Tv username@localhost:8001 to check if SSH is working.至少尝试ssh -Tv username@localhost:8001来检查 SSH 是否正常工作。

Consider also using a simple local path if you are cloning a repository which is already on your localhost (local machine):如果您正在克隆已经在localhost (本地计算机)上的存储库,还可以考虑使用简单的本地路径:

git clone /MySpace/reponame 

If you are using a Docker image, see this thread如果您使用的是 Docker 图像,请参阅此线程

it's not related to the docker container itself, it just should do the "bridge" between container and hosts ports.它与 docker 容器本身无关,它只是应该在容器和主机端口之间充当“桥梁”。

If not, check if, as in here , you need a:如果没有请检查您是否需要:

git config core.sshCommand "ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss"

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