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如何为 aem react 组件编写 jestunit 测试用例

[英]how to write jestunit testcases for aem react compoenent

When I have Code as below, how to write junit testcase for FiveGIntermediateEditConfig to cover.当我有如下代码时,如何为FiveGIntermediateEditConfig编写 junit 测试用例来覆盖。

const FiveGIntermediateEditConfig = {
  emptyLabel: "FiveG Intermediate",

  isEmpty() {
    return true;

class FiveGIntermediateContainer extends Container {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="fiveGInter">

FiveGIntermediateContainer.defaultProps = {};

export default MapTo("vcg/components/soe-assisted/react/fiveGInter")(
  compose(withRouter)(FiveGIntermediateContainer, FiveGIntermediateEditConfig)

JUnit is a Java framework so it won't be very useful in testing a React app. JUnit 是一个 Java 框架,因此它在测试 React 应用程序时不是很有用。 If you're looking for a JavaScript equivalent, consider https://jestjs.io/如果您正在寻找 JavaScript 等价物,请考虑https://jestjs.io/

Plain Jest is fine for any JavaScript that isn't strictly react-specific. Plain Jest 适用于任何非严格反应特定的 JavaScript。

When it comes to React components, possible testing approaches are well-described in the React documentation: https://reactjs.org/docs/testing-recipes.html对于 React 组件,React 文档中详细描述了可能的测试方法: https://reactjs.org/docs/testing-recipes.html

Most tools described there are just utilities that you plug into a test runner like Jest.那里描述的大多数工具只是您插入到 Jest 等测试运行器中的实用程序。 Most, if not all examples, assume that Jest is used, but it's not a hard rule.大多数(如果不是全部)示例都假设使用了 Jest,但这不是硬性规定。

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