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使用带嵌套字段的组操作使用 Spring 数据 mongoDb 进行聚合查询

[英]Aggregation query with Spring Data mongoDb using group opertation with Nested field

I want to create an aggregation Query using spring data mongodb.我想使用 spring 数据 mongodb 创建聚合查询。

My collection data structure is:我的收藏数据结构是:

    date: ISODate("2022-12-11T01:13:00.000Z"),
    metadata: {
        homeId: '51b87ea3d846f450141ae58z',
        nodeId: '51b87ea3d846f450141ae58z'
    value: 42,
    _id: ObjectId("63b583e30c1e523313b64ed5")

The MongoDb Query that I want to translate to java is:我要转换为 java 的 MongoDb 查询是:

    { $match : {"metadata.nodeId": "51b87ea3d846f450141ae58z"}
    { $project: { 
        date: { 
            $dateToParts: { date: "$date"}
        value: 1
    { $group: { 
        _id: { 
            date: { 
                year: "$date.year", month: "$date.month", day: "$date.day"
        cumulValue: { $sum: "$value"}
    { $sort : { "_id.date": -1}

The MongoDb Query result looks like this: MongoDb 查询结果如下所示:

        _id: { 
            date: { year: 2022, month: 12, day: 11 } 
        cumulValue: 42 

So as you can see here, the result structure is _id with a nested object date containing fields year, month and day.因此,正如您在此处看到的,结果结构是_id ,嵌套的 object日期包含字段年、月和日。

I would like to have the same result _id structure using groupOperation with spring data mongo.我想使用 groupOperation 和 spring 数据 mongo 获得相同的结果 _id 结构。

I tried this implementation我试过这个实现

MatchOperation matchOperation = Aggregation.match(
    new Criteria().andOperator(Criteria.where("metadata.nodeId").is(nodeId);
// projection Operation
ProjectionOperation projectionOperation = project("value")

// group Operation
GroupOperation groupOperation = Aggregation.group(
    "date.year", "date.month", "date.day")
// Sort Operation
SortOperation sortOperation = sort(pageRequest.getSort());

Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
    matchOperation, projectionOperation, groupOperation,sortOperation);

But I'm not able to have the expected result structure (with nested object date)但我无法获得预期的结果结构(嵌套日期为 object)

    _id: {
      year: 2022,
      month: 11,
      day: 11
    cumulValue: 284

You can try this by parsing the entire pipeline string.您可以通过解析整个管道字符串来尝试此操作。

String groupStage = "{\r\n" + 
        "    $group: {\r\n" + 
        "      _id: {\r\n" + 
        "        date: {\r\n" + 
        "          year: \"$date.year\",\r\n" + 
        "          month: \"$date.month\",\r\n" + 
        "          day: \"$date.day\"\r\n" + 
        "        }\r\n" + 
        "      },\r\n" + 
        "      cumulValue: {\r\n" + 
        "        $sum: \"$value\"\r\n" + 
        "      }\r\n" + 
        "    }\r\n" + 
        "  }"

GroupOperation groupOperation = context -> context.getMappedObject(Document.parse(groupStage));

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