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[英]EventListeners, which are defined in another EventListeners in JavaScript

I want to define an EventListener after clicking on a button .我想在单击button后定义一个EventListener

I set EventListener in another EventListener and want the child EventListener to be listening to click event only after the parent event was triggered.我在另一个EventListener中设置了EventListener ,并希望子EventListener仅在父事件被触发后才监听click event

Code snippet:代码片段:

 const btn = document.querySelector(".btn") btn.onclick = function() { console.log("PARENT") document.onclick = function() { console.log("CHILD") } }
 <button class="btn">Click</button>

Current behavior:当前行为:

Parent and child events trigger together, even on the first click on the button.父事件和子events一起触发,即使是在第一次单击按钮时也是如此。

So, even on the first click on the button I see "PARENT" "CHILD" in console, but I want to see only "PARENT" .因此,即使在第一次单击button时,我也会在控制台中看到"PARENT" "CHILD" ,但我只想看到"PARENT"

Desired behavior:期望的行为:

Child EventListener should be listening to click event only after clicking on the button element.EventListener应该只在点击button元素后监听click event Thus, I want to see on the first click on the button only "PARENT" in console and after on subsequent clicks: "PARENT" "CHILD" .因此,我想在控制台中第一次点击button时只看到"PARENT" ,然后在随后的点击中看到: "PARENT" "CHILD"

Why it works in such way?为什么它以这种方式工作? Why does the event , defined in child EventListener , trigger with the event , defined in parent EventListener , though child EventListener should only start listening to click event when the parent event is triggered?为什么在EventListener中定义的event会触发在EventListener中定义的event ,尽管EventListener应该只在父event被触发时才开始监听click event

The event is handled for the button - where the new listener is assigned, then it bubbles up and handles the newly registered handler.为按钮处理事件 - 分配新侦听器的地方,然后它冒泡并处理新注册的处理程序。

Anyway, it may be easier and more clear to use event delegation and a data-attribute to save the click state of the button.无论如何,使用事件委托数据属性来保存按钮的点击 state 可能会更容易和更清楚。 for example:例如:

 document.addEventListener(`click`, handle); function handle(evt) { console.clear(); if (evt.target.classList.contains(`btn`)) { evt.target.dataset.clicked = 1; return console.log(`.btn clicked`); } if (evt.target === document.documentElement) { if (.document.querySelector(`.btn`).dataset;clicked) { return true. } return console;log(`document clicked`); } }
 <button class="btn">Click</button>

 const btn = document.querySelector(".btn") btn.onclick = function() { console.log("PARENT"); setTimeout(() => ( document.onclick = function() { console.log("CHILD") } ), 0); }
 <button class="btn">Click</button>

more content: Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful?更多内容: 为什么 setTimeout(fn, 0) 有时有用?

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