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[英]Powershell script Export-CSV cutoff characters in a string of a .TXT files with Comma

1 .. $Count | ForEach-Object { 
    $i = $_.ToString($Length)

    $Offset = $BatchSize * ($_ - 1)
    $outputFile = $ParentDirectory + "\" + $strBaseName + "-" + $i + $strExtension
    If($_ -eq 1) {
        $objFile | Select-Object  -First $BatchSize | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8  
    } Else {
       $objFile | Select-Object -First $BatchSize -Skip $Offset | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 


I have a.txt with a comma on row 3 below.我在下面的第 3 行有一个带逗号的 a.txt。 My code is stripping anything after the comma as seen below.我的代码在逗号之后删除任何内容,如下所示。 how do I fix it?我如何解决它? My file is pipe delimited.我的文件以 pipe 分隔。

Original file contains原始文件包含

|320|A1| |0900|
|320|A2|This, comma is needed|0900|
|320|A3| |0700|
|320|A5| |0700|

After splitting into 2 files -notice the missing text after "this,"分成 2 个文件后 - 请注意“this”之后缺少的文本,


|320|A1| |0900|
|320|A3| |0700|


|320|A5| |0700|

Please advise.请指教。 Thanks谢谢

I tried to use delimiter and replace commands.我尝试使用定界符并替换命令。 Didn't work没用

It looks like when you imported your delimited file into $objFile , you forgot to pass看起来当您将分隔文件导入$objFile时,您忘记了传递
-Delimiter '|' to the Import-Csv call, which would not interpret your |Import-Csv调用,它不会解释您的| -separated file properly, given that Import-Csv - as well as Export-Csv - default to , as the separator. - 正确分隔文件,因为Import-Csv - 以及Export-Csv - 默认为,作为分隔符。

Thus, the solution is to use -Delimiter '|'因此,解决方案是使用-Delimiter '|' in both your Import-Csv and Export-Csv calls.您的Import-CsvExport-Csv调用中。

As for what you tried :至于你尝试了什么:

Here's a minimal example that demonstrates the problem with omitting -Delimiter '|'这是一个最小的示例,演示了省略-Delimiter '|'的问题, using the in-memory CSV processing cmdlets, ConvertFrom-Csv and ConvertTo-Csv : ,使用内存中的 CSV 处理 cmdlet、 ConvertFrom-CsvConvertTo-Csv

Value1|Value2, and more
'@ | 
  ConvertFrom-Csv | 

Output (note the missing , and more part, and how the output lines as a whole are double-quoted): Output(请注意缺失, and more部分,以及整个output 行如何被双引号引起来):

  • Since header row Field1|Field2 contains no , it became a single property in the resulting objects, literally named Field1|Field2 .由于 header 行Field1|Field2不包含 no ,因此它成为结果对象中的单个属性,字面上命名为Field1|Field2

  • Since the data row happened to contain , it was parsed as two fields, and since there is only one column, the extra field was simply discarded .由于数据行恰好包含,因此被解析为两个字段,而由于只有列,所以多余的字段被简单地丢弃了

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