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S3 static 托管网站在没有 www 的情况下无法工作。 (Namecheap DNS,Cloudfront Distro,ACM SSL 证书)

[英]S3 static hosted website not working without www. (Namecheap DNS, Cloudfront Distro, ACM SSL Cert)

I can't seem to resolve this one issue.我似乎无法解决这个问题。 Without www it doesn't work.没有 www 是行不通的。 For background it was originally pointing to a www.对于背景,它最初指向 www。 bucket but I've since made a new one and it's pointing to that one.桶,但我已经做了一个新的,它指向那个。 I have a namecheap CNAME records pointing to cloudfront (added the * host CNAME today):我有一个指向云端的 namecheap CNAME 记录(今天添加了 * 主机 CNAME): 在此处输入图像描述




S3: S3:


For the CNAME record portion of the set up you need to add an @ as the host: Domain Name without "www" does not work for CloudFront对于设置的 CNAME 记录部分,您需要添加一个 @ 作为主机: 不带“www”的域名不适用于 CloudFront

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