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用 href 链接替换匹配的文本

[英]Replace matching text with href links

I have a string like:我有一个像这样的字符串:

@test hello how are you @abcdef

How would I automatically make it so it converts all text that has @ to something like:我将如何自动制作它以便将所有具有 @ 的文本转换为类似以下内容:


I've tried using regex and preg_replace but can't get it down perfectly.我试过使用 regex 和 preg_replace 但无法完美地完成它。

Try regex @(\S+) with substitution https://example.com/$1 :尝试用正则表达式@(\S+)替换https://example.com/$1

$string = '@test hello how are you @abcdef';

$result = preg_replace('/@(\S+)/', 'https://example.com/$1', $string);


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