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[英]How do I avoid syntax repitition when matching enums?

I have a struct in which one of the fields is an enum, and when using a match statement there is a lot of repetition that feels avoidable.我有一个结构,其中一个字段是一个枚举,当使用匹配语句时,有很多重复感觉是可以避免的。

Basically what I have now is基本上我现在拥有的是

match self.foo // which is an enum, Foo {
    Foo::Bar => something,
    Foo::Bazz => something else,
    _ => you get the point


I tried:我试过了:

match self.foo {
       Bar => something,
       Bazz => something else,

but did not have the intended effect.但没有达到预期的效果。 Is it possible to not have to retype Foo:: every time or is it just something I need to live with?是否有可能不必每次都重新输入 Foo:: ,或者这只是我需要忍受的东西?

You can use the use Foo::*;您可以使用use Foo::*; statement to bring all the variants of Foo into scope:Foo的所有变体带入 scope 的语句:

enum Foo {

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo::Bar;
    use Foo::*;
    match foo {
        Bar => println!("something"),
        Bazz => println!("something else"),

You can import the names of enum variants to use them directly:您可以导入枚举变体的名称以直接使用它们:

use Foo::*;
match self.foo {
    Bar => something,
    Bazz => something else,

This is how None and Some work without needing Option:: before them.这就是NoneSome在不需要Option::之前工作的方式。

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