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如何在 URL 中传递动态值?

[英]How can I pass dynamic values in the URL?

I am capturing key=value pairs from a response body and want to send the same value in the get end point URL as below.我正在从响应正文中捕获key=value对,并希望在获取端点 URL 中发送相同的值,如下所示。

I tried this, which does not work:我试过这个,它不起作用:

self.client.get("auth/logout?type=user&refresh_token=" + str(self.refresh_token),
                     headers={"access_token": str(self.access_token)},

How about using Python's f-string?使用 Python 的 f-string 怎么样?

                headers={"access_token": f"{self.access_token}"},
                catch_response=True) `

But that your code doesn't work has very likely to do with some logics of the get() method.但是您的代码不起作用很可能与 get() 方法的某些逻辑有关。

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