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kafka _schemas 主题删除后,在没有 cleanup.policy 的情况下创建

[英]kafka _schemas topic when deleted, gets created without cleanup.policy

I am using Confluent Platform version 5.3.2 and in this i can see that _schemas topic is created with cleanup.policy as compact.我使用的是 Confluent Platform 版本 5.3.2,在此我可以看到 _schemas 主题是使用 cleanup.policy 创建的,作为紧凑。 Without this the schema registry will not be started.没有这个,模式注册表将不会启动。 Now if i delete the _schemas topi, it will be created automatically, but without the cleanup.policy and because of this, if we restart the schema registry, it fails to start.现在,如果我删除 _schemas topi,它将自动创建,但没有 cleanup.policy,因此,如果我们重新启动模式注册表,它将无法启动。

How can we make the _schemas topics to be created with cleanup.policy=compact when it is deleted and created automatically?我们怎样才能让 _schemas 主题在自动删除和创建时使用 cleanup.policy=compact 创建?

Stop the registry.停止注册表。 Delete the topic.删除主题。 Create the topic manually with the appropriate settings (compact, high replication, one partition).使用适当的设置(紧凑、高复制、一个分区)手动创建主题。 Never delete the topic again.永远不要再删除主题。

Or upgrade your registry version, and hopefully the topic will be created correctly或者升级你的注册表版本,希望主题能正确创建


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