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如何关闭 Edge (Chrome) Dev Tools 中的错误警告信息计数图标?

[英]How do I turn off the error warning info count icons in Edge (Chrome) Dev Tools?


I'd easily could have 1 or 2 more tabs in that row if it weren't for those icons.如果不是那些图标,我很容易在该行中多 1 个或 2 个选项卡。

I don't want those, I want more space for tabs.我不想要那些,我想要更多的标签空间。 If there's a setting for turning it off, it doesn't seem to have an obvious name.如果有关闭它的设置,它似乎没有明显的名称。 I've already went through the whole settings list and didn't find anything.我已经浏览了整个设置列表,但没有找到任何东西。

Just like what wOxxOm has said, DevTools currently has not such setting to disable these Issues buttons.正如 wOxxOm 所说,DevTools 目前没有这样的设置来禁用这些Issues按钮。 However, since the purpose is to have more space for tabs, I actually have 2 suggestions for you (or workarounds I suppose): Use Focus Mode or dock DevTools to bottom .但是,由于目的是为选项卡留出更多空间,我实际上为您提供了 2 个建议(或我想的解决方法):使用焦点模式将 DevTools 停靠到底部

  1. Focus Mode .对焦模式 Focus Mode pins all the tab buttons to the left, so they will not be "squeezed" by Issues buttons.焦点模式将所有选项卡按钮固定在左侧,因此它们不会被Issues按钮“挤压”。 To turn on Focus Mode, go to Settings --> Experiments --> Focus Mode .要打开 Focus Mode,go 到Settings --> Experiments --> Focus Mode
  2. Dock DevTools to bottom .将 DevTools 停靠在底部 It is another workaround that simply gives you more space horizontally.这是另一种解决方法,它只是为您提供更多水平空间。

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