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Vue 和 Pinia 的可重用组件

[英]Reusable components with Vue and Pinia

I want to create a reusable component called Table and it will use two other components called Search and Records.我想创建一个名为 Table 的可重用组件,它将使用另外两个名为 Search 和 Records 的组件。 I'll also create a pinia module to use a state variable for giving an input as search key.我还将创建一个 pinia 模块,以使用 state 变量来提供输入作为搜索键。 I'll set that search key in Search component and then I'll press a button in Records component to get records from backend according to that search key.我将在搜索组件中设置该搜索键,然后我将按下记录组件中的一个按钮以根据该搜索键从后端获取记录。 Right now, in Records component, I only display that search variable in template section.现在,在 Records 组件中,我只在模板部分显示该搜索变量。

Like I said, I want this Table component to be reusable.就像我说的,我希望这个 Table 组件是可重用的。 For example, I'm going to create two tables for Orders and Customers.例如,我要为订单和客户创建两个表。 But in these situation, when I type anything to search input in Orders table, also Customers table displays the same search input.但是在这些情况下,当我键入任何内容以在 Orders 表中搜索输入时,Customers 表也会显示相同的搜索输入。 Is there any way to seperate pinia module to use this purpose without creating another module.有没有办法在不创建另一个模块的情况下分离 pinia 模块以使用此目的。 Or is there any proper approach to that goal?或者是否有任何适当的方法来实现该目标?

This is my Search.vue component:这是我的 Search.vue 组件:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
import { useTableStore } from "@/stores/table";

const store = useTableStore();
const search = ref<string>('');

watch(search, () => {

    <input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="search">

<style scoped>


This is my Records.vue component:这是我的 Records.vue 组件:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useTableStore } from "@/stores/table";

const store = useTableStore();

    {{  store.search }}

<style scoped>


This is my Table.vue component这是我的 Table.vue 组件

<script setup lang="ts">
import Records from "@/components/table/Records.vue";
import Search from "@/components/table/Search.vue";

    <Search />
    <Records />

<style scoped>


And this is my table.ts pinia module:这是我的 table.ts pinia 模块:

import { ref } from "vue";
import { defineStore } from "pinia";

export const useTableStore = defineStore("table", () => {
    let search = ref<string>('');

    function setSearch(s: string) {
        search.value = s;

    return {

You should incapsulate search value in your Table component and remove this value from store.您应该将搜索值封装在您的表组件中并从存储中删除该值。 You just don't need it there.你只是在那里不需要它。 Then you should emit an event you pass from Table's parent (there you know if you are using it to display Customers or Orders).然后你应该发出一个你从表的父级传递的事件(你知道你是用它来显示客户还是订单)。 For 99% of cases you don't need pinia/vuex/global store.对于 99% 的情况,你不需要 pinia/vuex/global store。

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