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Asp.net c# Class 库 dll 正确版本未正确加载

[英]Asp.net c# Class library dlls right version not loading correctly

I created a class library and called id sharepointClassSample library.我创建了一个 class 库并调用了 id sharepointClassSample 库。 It has a reference to Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll version along other ones.它引用了 Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll 版本 以及其他版本。

I compiled the library and moved the resulted files to a folder called myLibrary我编译了库并将生成的文件移动到名为 myLibrary 的文件夹中

I created a project and referenced the sharepointClassSample.dll within the myLibrary folder.我创建了一个项目并在 myLibrary 文件夹中引用了 sharepointClassSample.dll。 Compiled the project and all the dlls needed by the sharepointClassSample.dll library were copied to my project bin/debug folder.编译项目并将 sharepointClassSample.dll 库所需的所有 dll 复制到我的项目 bin/debug 文件夹中。

But the Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll copied on my folder is但是复制到我的文件夹中的 Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll 是

Is there a way or setting within the Class library project that allow to specify the right dlls versions to be copied when the library is referenced? Class 库项目中是否有一种方法或设置允许在引用库时指定要复制的正确 dll 版本?

  1. You should be able to use bindingRedirect to use the specified version.您应该能够使用bindingRedirect来使用指定的版本。

For example:例如:

       <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
             <assemblyIdentity name="myAssembly"
                               culture="neutral" />
             <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""

In addition, redirect rules can specify to redirect within a certain version range另外,重定向规则可以指定在某个版本范围内重定向

  1. You can also use the NuGet package manager: Add the required DLL using the NuGet package manager in the class library project and specify the required version.也可以使用NuGet package管理器:在class库项目中使用NuGet package管理器添加需要的DLL并指定需要的版本。

  2. Manually add DLL: Copy the DLL file to the class library project and add a reference in the project.手动添加DLL:将DLL文件复制到class库工程中,在工程中添加引用。

When referencing a library, setting the build action to copy to output directory on the reference properties does not result in a version change.引用库时,将构建操作设置为复制到引用属性上的 output 目录不会导致版本更改。

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