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Flutter 集成测试在失败前不等待应用程序加载

[英]Flutter Integration Tests Not Waiting For App To Load Before Failure

On an app I've been creating I setup some integration tests in the past and made sure they were working.在我一直在创建的应用程序上,我过去设置了一些集成测试并确保它们正常工作。 Now some months and many commits later, I am setting up GitHub actions and noticed for some reason my tests fail every time.现在几个月和许多提交之后,我正在设置 GitHub 操作并注意到由于某种原因我的测试每次都失败。 I noticed that the app doesn't even load up at all before the tests fail, even though I use WidgetTester tester.pumpAndSettle();我注意到即使我使用WidgetTester tester.pumpAndSettle();在测试失败之前应用程序甚至根本没有加载。

Here is a sample of my code:这是我的代码示例:

void main() {

  // Testing login-page UI, logging in, and moving to next screen
    "Integration test runner 1",
    (WidgetTester tester) async {
      // Wait for the app to launch, etc

      await tester.pumpAndSettle();

      expect(find.byKey(ValueKey("bigTextFostering")), findsOneWidget);

I tried using a waitForElement helpfer function, but had the same outcome我尝试使用 waitForElement helpfer function,但结果相同

Looks like好像

await tester.pumpAndSettle(Duration(seconds: 7));

Did the trick... The only reason I have it set for 7 seconds because we have a splash screen I want to load through fully成功了吗...我将其设置为 7 秒的唯一原因是因为我们有一个启动画面,我想完全加载

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