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SOLID 原则 - Single Responsible 只是关于组合还是依赖倒置?

[英]SOLID priciples - Single Responsible is just about composition or also dependency inversion?

I have seen examples online about the Single Responsible principle.我在网上看到过关于单一责任原则的例子。
They always use IoC/DI as an example.他们总是以 IoC/DI 为例。
They move the code from class A to class B and pass class B as reference.他们将代码从 class A 移至 class B,并传递 class B 作为参考。

See code below:请参阅下面的代码:

class B {}
class A {
  // reference used
  constructor(b) {
    this.b = b;

  doStuff() {

But the Single Responsible principle is about to increase the coherence.但是单一责任原则即将增加连贯性。
Theoretically the code above would also follow the Single Reponsible principle without从理论上讲,上面的代码也将遵循单一责任原则,而无需
passing down a reference to class B, right?传递对 class B 的引用,对吗?

Like this:像这样:

class B {}
class A {
  // no reference
  constructor() {
    this.b = new B;

  doStuff() {

In the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin there is an example reagarding the SRP where he uses only composition.在 Robert C 的 Clean Code 一书中,Martin 有一个关于 SRP 的例子,他只使用组合。
So I would say yes, Singe Responsible Priciple is valid without IoC/DI.所以我会说是的,单一责任原则在没有 IoC/DI 的情况下是有效的。
In the example below hes directly creating an instance of the LinkedList.在下面的示例中,他直接创建了 LinkedList 的实例。

public class Stack {
    private int topOfStack = 0;

    // creating a direct instance here
    List < Integer > elements = new LinkedList < Integer > ();

    public int size() {
        return topOfStack;

    public void push(int element) {

    public int pop() throws PoppedWhenEmpty {
        if (topOfStack == 0)
            throw new PoppedWhenEmpty();
        int element = elements.get(--topOfStack);
        return element;

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