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格式范围为货币 - Excel Javascript

[英]Format Range as Currency - Excel Javascript

I'm trying to format a cell as Currency via Excel JavaScript API. I've tried currency and $ but neither work.我正在尝试通过 Excel JavaScript API 将单元格格式化为货币。我试过currency$但都不起作用。

What do I need to do?我需要做什么?

var Rev_Rng = ws.getRangeByIndexes(2, Header_Arr.indexOf("Est. Revenue"), Used_Rng_And_Props.rowCount - 2, 1)
await context.sync()
Rev_Rng.numberFormat = '$'; //This just inserted '$' as the value I also tried 'currency'

Try to use something like that for the currency format:尝试对货币格式使用类似的东西:


See Number format codes for more information.有关详细信息,请参阅数字格式代码

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