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如何在 F# 中定义自定义 routedeventargs?

[英]How to define a custom routedeventargs in F#?

I have a need to define a custom routedeventarg in F# (to be used by both C# code and F# code).我需要在 F# 中定义自定义 routedeventarg(供 C# 代码和 F# 代码使用)。

In C#, I have defined the following在C#中,我定义了以下内容

public class NewTranscriptEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
            private readonly string appendtext;
            public string AppendText
                get { return appendtext; }

            public NewTranscriptEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, string appendtext) : base(routedEvent)
                this.appendtext = appendtext;

I have no good idea on how this would be translated into F#.我不知道如何将其转换为 F#。

Ultimately, the custom NewTranscriptEventArgs will be sent to the F# back-end by:最终,自定义 NewTranscriptEventArgs 将通过以下方式发送到 F# 后端:

 <i:EventTrigger EventName="NewTranscript">
            <i:InvokeCommandAction PassEventArgsToCommand="True" Command="{Binding NewTranscript}" />

Thanks for any help.谢谢你的帮助。

Ugh: How simple:呃:多么简单:

type NewTranscriptEventArgs(r:RoutedEvent, appendText: string ) = 
        inherit RoutedEventArgs(r)
        member this.AppendText = appendText

I haven't tried to run the code, but this is a literal translation to F#:我没有尝试运行代码,但这是对 F# 的直译:

type NewTranscriptEventArgs(routedEvent, appendText : string) =
    inherit RoutedEventArgs(routedEvent)
    member _.AppendText = appendText

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