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Highcharts React 更新 - 有很多滞后

[英]Highcharts React update - getting a lot of lag

I'm trying to update highcharts 3d options using sliders.我正在尝试使用滑块更新 highcharts 3d 选项。 Here's a sandbox for the same.这是一个相同的沙箱。 Functionality is working as expected, however I'm observing a lot of lag.功能按预期工作,但我发现有很多延迟。 Just wanted to confirm if the method I've used for updating the chart is correct or not.只是想确认我用于更新图表的方法是否正确。 Also how can I improve the performance of this snippet?另外我怎样才能提高这个片段的性能?

https://codesandbox.io/s/3d-highcharts-for-vibration-analysis-ccrvdc?file=/src/App.tsx https://codesandbox.io/s/3d-highcharts-for-vibration-analysis-ccrvdc?file=/src/App.tsx

Errors are related to bug, reported on GitHub , as a workaround to avoid errors you can use Highcharts version under 10.2.1.错误与GitHub上报告的错误有关,作为避免错误的解决方法,您可以使用 10.2.1 下的 Highcharts 版本。

Unfortunately, the boost module doesn't work for the 3D series and there are only a few things that can slightly improve the performance.不幸的是,升压模块不适用于 3D 系列,只有少数几项可以略微提高性能。 For example, we can disable markers, dataLabels, etc.例如,我们可以禁用标记、数据标签等。

On the official Highcharts React wrapper you can find some examples of how to update charts.在官方Highcharts React 包装器上,您可以找到一些如何更新图表的示例。

Example: https://codesandbox.io/s/3d-highcharts-for-vibration-analysis-forked-5ou63g示例: https://codesandbox.io/s/3d-highcharts-for-vibration-analysis-forked-5ou63g

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