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[英]What is the absolute import and relative import for this kind of directory structure?

I have a directory structure like this,我有一个这样的目录结构,


├── Assignment1 ├── 作业一

│ ├── Assignment-1.pdf │ ├── 作业-1.pdf

│ └── assignment1.py │ └── assignment1.py

└── Methods └── 方法

├── init .py ├──初始.py

├── primality.py ├── 素数.py

I want to import functions from the primality.py file into the assignment1.py file.我想将函数从primality.py文件导入到assignment1.py文件中。

What is my relative and absolute import line for this dirctory structure?这个目录结构的相对和绝对导入行是什么?

I also tried using this, from..Methods.primality import func我也试过使用这个, from..Methods.primality import func

but it gives me an error,但它给了我一个错误,

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

Can anyone explain me what am I doing wrong here?谁能解释我在这里做错了什么?

You should add the missing __init__.py as in:您应该添加缺少的__init__.py ,如下所示:

├── Assignment1

│       ├── Assignment-1.pdf

│       ├── __init__.py # this

│       └── assignment1.py

└── Methods

│       ├── __init__.py

│       ├── primality.py

then go to the Assignments folder and from there run:然后 go 到Assignments文件夹并从那里运行:

$ python3 -m Assignment1.assignment1 # note no py

Then python sees the directory structure as a package structure and Methods/Assignment1 are packages (and you should rename them to methods/assignment1)然后python看到目录结构为package结构,Methods/Assignment1是包(应该重命名为methods/assignment1)

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