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我的 discord 机器人如何对 / 命令外的消息做出反应

[英]How does my discord bot react to messages outside the / command

Let's take a quiz as an example, the user makes the command "/quiz rules" to start a quiz about the rules.让我们以一个小测验为例,用户发出命令“/quiz rules”来开始一个关于规则的小测验。 How do I then make the bot accept the user's next messages as answers?然后我如何让机器人接受用户的下一条消息作为答案?

Python - nextcord Python - 下线

async def quiz(interaction: Interaction,
               value: str = SlashOption(

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So you'll want to add a client event listener and do something when the on_message event fires.因此,您需要添加一个客户端事件侦听器并在on_message事件触发时执行一些操作。

async def on_message(message):
    # do something with the message here

So for your quiz example;因此,对于您的测验示例; you'd have to keep track of when a quiz has started, which channel it's in, and which user initiated it (provided you only want a particular user answering) and then parse the message to see if it's an answer to the question it was asked.你必须跟踪测验何时开始,它在哪个频道,哪个用户发起它(前提是你只希望特定用户回答)然后解析消息以查看它是否是问题的答案问。 But using on_message is what I would do.但是使用on_message是我会做的。

You could also use the wait_for method to wait for a message from a particular user as well.您也可以使用wait_for方法来等待来自特定用户的消息。

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