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如何乘坐 ld: warning: object file was built for newer iOS version (12.0) than being linked (11.0)

[英]How to get ride of ld: warning: object file was built for newer iOS version (12.0) than being linked (11.0)

Under delphi Alexandria, when I try to compile my ios app I receive this warning message from the linker:在 delphi Alexandria 下,当我尝试编译我的 ios 应用程序时,我收到来自 linker 的警告消息:

ld: warning: object file (.\Libraries\ios\facebook\FBSDKLoginKit.xcframework\ios-arm64/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/FBSDKLoginKit(AppEvents+Internal.o)) was built for newer iOS version (12.0) than being linked (11.0) ld: 警告: object 文件 (.\Libraries\ios\facebook\FBSDKLoginKit.xcframework\ios-arm64/FBSDKLoginKit.framework/FBSDKLoginKit(AppEvents+Internal.o)) 是为比链接 (11.0) 更新的 iOS 版本 (12.0) 构建的)

How to get ride of this error message or how to say to the linker the we target iOS 12 instead of iOS 11?如何摆脱此错误消息或如何对 linker 说我们的目标是 iOS 12 而不是 iOS 11?

I found, just add the -w to the linker option flag:)我发现,只需将 -w 添加到 linker 选项标志中即可:)


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