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当 SQL 中有多个继续 Null 值时,如何根据前几个月的值填充 Null 值

[英]How do I populate the Null Values based on Previous months value, when there are multiple continues Null values in SQL

Below is the input table:下面是输入表:

Month Value价值
1 1个 200 200
2 2个 - -
3 3个 - -
4 4个 300 300
5 5个 - -

Expected Output:预计 Output:

Month Value价值
1 1个 200 200
2 2个 200 200
3 3个 200 200
4 4个 300 300
5 5个 300 300

I did try using LAG function in SQL, as a result I was able to populate value for the immediate NULL values which is Month 2 in above case but next month which is Month 3 was still having Null values我确实尝试在 SQL 中使用 LAG function,结果我能够填充即时 NULL 值的值,在上述情况下是第 2 个月,但下个月是第 3 个月仍然有 Null 值

You can build a query using the LEAD function to convert your data into ranges as the following:您可以使用LEAD function 构建查询,将数据转换为范围,如下所示:

from_month从_month to_month to_month Value价值
1 1个 3 3个 200 200
4 4个 5 5个 300 300

Then use the update join statement to update your table as the following:然后使用update join语句更新您的表,如下所示:

Update table_name Set Value = D.Value
From table_name T Join
  Select Month As from_month, 
       Lead(Month, 1, (select max(month) from table_name) +1)
       Over(Order By Month) -1 As to_month,
  From table_name 
  Where Value Is Not Null
) D
On T.month Between D.from_month And D.to_month
Where T.Value Is Null;

See demo看演示

You can emulate the LAST_VALUE function to ignore nulls by creating partitions with:您可以通过创建分区来模拟LAST_VALUE function 以忽略空值:

  • one non-null value一个非空值
  • following null values (excluding next non-null value)以下 null 个值(不包括下一个非空值)

then updating null values to the max for each partition.然后将 null 值更新为每个分区的最大值。

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT *, COUNT(Value) OVER(ORDER BY Month) AS partitions
    FROM tab
), cte2 AS (
    SELECT Month, MAX(Value) OVER(PARTITION BY partitions) AS Value 
    FROM cte
SET tab.Value = cte2.Value
FROM cte2
WHERE tab.Month = cte2.Month;

Check the demo here .此处查看演示。

You can do this with a simple correlation and an updatable table expression:您可以使用简单的关联和可更新的表表达式来做到这一点:

update u set value = v
from (
    select *, 
        (select top(1) value 
        from t t2 where t2.month < t.month 
            and t2.value is not null 
            order by month desc
    from t
    where t.value is null

If you don't like the old hat solutions you can do it in one pass too:如果您不喜欢旧帽子解决方案,您也可以一次性完成:

with testdata as (
    select *
    from    (
        values (1, 200), (2, 50), (3,NULL), (4,300), (5, NULL), (6, NULL), (7, 10)
        ) x (mon, val)
select mon, val AS orig
,   cast(substring(maxvalue2, 31, 30) as int) AS new
        SELECT  MAX(CAST(mon AS BINARY(30)) + CAST(val AS BINARY(30))) OVER(ORDER BY mon) AS maxValue2
        ,   *
        FROM    testdata
    ) x

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