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无法在 android 中按下蓝牙按钮

[英]Unable to get bluetooth button pressed in android

I am no longer able to determine what button was pressed from any of my bluetooth devices.我不再能够确定从我的任何蓝牙设备按下了哪个按钮。

GetParcelableExtra returns null for KEY_EVENT in MEDIA_BUTTON intent callback. GetParcelableExtra 在 MEDIA_BUTTON 意图回调中为 KEY_EVENT 返回 null。

This method was working for months, but then suddenly started returning null on GetParcableExtra.此方法工作了几个月,但突然开始在 GetParcableExtra 上返回 null。

How can I get the bluetooth button event from a background service in xamarin?如何从 xamarin 中的后台服务获取蓝牙按钮事件?

    namespace foo
        class BackgroundService : Service
            [return: GeneratedEnum]
            public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, [GeneratedEnum] StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
                return StartCommandResult.Sticky;

        private void registerMediaButtons()
            var am = (AudioManager)this.GetSystemService(AudioService);
            var componentName = new ComponentName(PackageName, new MyMediaButtonBroadcastReceiver().ComponentName);
            #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

        [IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionMediaButton, Intent.ActionHeadsetPlug, AudioManager.ActionAudioBecomingNoisy })]
        public class MyMediaButtonBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
            public string ComponentName { get { return Class.Name; } }

            public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
                if (intent.Action == Intent.ActionMediaButton)
                    var keyEvent = (KeyEvent)intent.GetParcelableExtra(Intent.ExtraKeyEvent);

                    if (keyEvent == null)// always null now

                    if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keycode.Headsethook)
                        if (keyEvent.Action == KeyEventActions.Down)

The method public T getParcelableExtra (String name) was deprecated in API level 33. That is why you may not be able to use this method. public T getParcelableExtra (String name)方法在 API 级别 33 中已弃用。这就是您可能无法使用此方法的原因。

It provided the new method public T getParcelableExtra (String name, Class<T> clazz) and you can use this.它提供了新方法public T getParcelableExtra (String name, Class<T> clazz) ,您可以使用它。 You can refer to the new getParcelableExtra .可以参考新的getParcelableExtra

In addition, I found the Q&A about Xamarin C# alternative toGetParcelableExtra .另外,我找到了关于Xamarin C# 替代 GetParcelableExtra的问答。

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