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[英]Better way to detect file differences between 2 directories?

I made some C# functions to roughly "diff" 2 directories, similar to KDiff3.我制作了一些 C# 函数来大致“区分”2 个目录,类似于 KDiff3。

First this function compares file names between directories.首先这个 function 比较目录之间的文件名。 Any difference in file names implies a file has been added to dir1:文件名的任何差异都意味着文件已添加到 dir1:

public static List<string> diffFileNamesInDirs(string dir1, string dir2)
    List<string> dir1FileNames = Directory
       .EnumerateFiles(dir1, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
       .Select(entry => entry.Replace(dir1 + "\\", "")
    List<string> dir2FileNames = Directory
        .EnumerateFiles(dir2, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        .Select(entry => entry.Replace(dir2 + "\\", "")
    List<string> diffs = dir1FileNames.Except(dir2FileNames).Distinct().ToList();

    return diffs;

Second this function compares file sizes for file names which exist in both directories.其次,这个 function 比较了两个目录中存在的文件名的文件大小。 Any difference in file size implies some edit has been made:文件大小的任何差异都意味着已经进行了一些编辑:

public static List<string> diffFileSizesInDirs(string dir1, string dir2)
    //Get list of file paths, relative to the base dir1/dir2 directories
    List<string> dir1FileNames = Directory
       .EnumerateFiles(dir1, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
       .Select(entry => entry.Replace(dir1 + "\\", "")
    List<string> dir2FileNames = Directory
        .EnumerateFiles(dir2, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        .Select(entry => entry.Replace(dir2 + "\\", "")
    List<string> sharedFileNames = dir1FileNames.Intersect(dir2FileNames).Distinct().ToList();

    //Get list of file sizes corresponding to file paths
    List<long> dir1FileSizes = sharedFileNames
        .Select(s => 
        new FileInfo(dir1 + "\\" + s) //Create the full file path as required for FileInfo objects
    List<long> dir2FileSizes = sharedFileNames
        .Select(s =>
        new FileInfo(dir2 + "\\" + s) //Create the full file path as required for FileInfo objects

    List<string> changedFiles = new List<string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < sharedFileNames.Count; i++)
        //If file sizes are different, there must have been a change made to one of the files. 
        if (dir1FileSizes[i] != dir2FileSizes[i])

    return changedFiles;

Lastly combining the results gives a list of all files which have been added/edited between the directories:最后结合结果给出了在目录之间添加/编辑的所有文件的列表:

List<string> nameDiffs = FileIO.diffFileNamesInDirs(dir1, dir2);
List<string> sizeDiffs = FileIO.diffFileSizesInDirs(dir1, dir2);
List<string> allDiffs = nameDiffs.Concat(sizeDiffs).ToList();

This approach generally works but feels sloppy and also would fail for the "binary equal" case where a file is modified but still has the same size.这种方法通常有效,但感觉草率,并且对于文件被修改但仍具有相同大小的“二进制相等”情况也会失败。 Any suggestions on a better way?关于更好的方法有什么建议吗?

You could use System.Security.Cryptographie.MD5 to calculate MD5 for each file and compare these.您可以使用System.Security.Cryptographie.MD5计算每个文件的 MD5 并进行比较。

Eg using this Method:例如使用这种方法:

public static string GetMd5Hash(string path)
    using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
            var hash = md5.ComputeHash(stream);
            return BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant();

Maybe this takes a little bit more time than geting values from FileInfo (depends on the amount of file to compare), but you can be completely sure if files are binary identical.也许这比从 FileInfo 获取值要花费更多的时间(取决于要比较的文件的数量),但是您可以完全确定文件是否是二进制相同的。

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