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可以动态更改 Power App 中的数据源属性吗?

[英]Possible to change a datasource property in Power App dynamically?

I'm trying to work through a proof of concept app that needs to talk to a 3rd party API. The initial step is to get a token from the 3rd party, which I've done by creating a custom connection which uses no security.我正在尝试完成需要与第 3 方 API 对话的概念验证应用程序。第一步是从第 3 方获取令牌,这是我通过创建不使用安全性的自定义连接来完成的。 Once I get the token, I need to make additional queries to this 3rd party API, each of which will require the token being passed.获得令牌后,我需要向第 3 方 API 进行额外查询,每个查询都需要传递令牌。 So, I've created a second custom connector which uses API KEY for security.因此,我创建了第二个自定义连接器,它使用 API KEY 来确保安全。 When I manually create a new connection for this 2nd custom connector, I'm prompted for the token and everything runs as expected.当我为此第二个自定义连接器手动创建新连接时,系统提示我输入令牌,一切都按预期运行。 So I've now added both custom connectors to my canvas Power App, get the token I need from first custom connector in the app's OnStart event.因此,我现在已将两个自定义连接器添加到我的 canvas Power App,从应用程序的 OnStart 事件中的第一个自定义连接器获取我需要的令牌。 I'd now like to try to change the connector properties for the second custom connector to use the dynamically generated token.我现在想尝试更改第二个自定义连接器的连接器属性以使用动态生成的令牌。

Is this possible?这可能吗? If not, is there another approach I should be pursuing?如果没有,我应该采用另一种方法吗?


So it turns out this is possible via policies .所以事实证明这是可以通过政策实现的。 Haven't gotten it working yet, but hopefully soon...还没有开始工作,但希望很快......

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