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将新行添加到日志文件时调用 function

[英]Call a function when a new line is added to a log file

I want to tail a file and call a function when a new line is added.我想跟踪一个文件并在添加新行时调用 function。 This is what I'm trying but it's not printing anything out which makes me think that the Get-Content isn't working.这就是我正在尝试的,但它没有打印出任何内容,这让我认为Get-Content无法正常工作。

function Check-LogLine {
    param (


$Global:Line = Get-Content -Path $LogPath -Tail 1 -Wait
Write-Output "Line: $Global:Line"
while ($Line -NotLike "*Stopping!") {
    $Global:Line = Get-Content -Path $LogPath -Tail 1 -Wait
    Write-Output $Global:Line
    Check-LogLine -Line $Global:Line

-= Edit =- It gets the last line if I remove the -Wait but it keeps getting the same last line over and over. -= Edit =- 如果我删除-Wait它会得到最后一行,但它会一遍又一遍地得到相同的最后一行。

You're never getting into the while loop, -Wait is blocking the thread on the first call:你永远不会进入while循环, -Wait在第一次调用时阻塞线程:

$Global:Line = Get-Content -Path $LogPath -Tail 1 -Wait

You can use the pipeline instead which is meant for this, I will go and assume since you're using -Wait this will be a somewhat interactive process and you only want output to the console doesn't matter if the output goes to the Success Stream or the Information Stream .您可以使用管道来代替它,我将 go 并假设因为您正在使用-Wait这将是一个有点交互的过程并且您只希望 output 到控制台并不重要如果 output 成功Stream 或信息 Stream If that's the case, you can use Select-Object -First 1 to properly break the pipeline.如果是这种情况,您可以使用Select-Object -First 1正确中断管道。 Otherwise, if you really need the output to go the Success Stream, the solution would be very cumbersome.否则如果真的需要output到go成功Stream,解决起来会很麻烦。

Here is an example of how you can approach your code:以下是如何处理代码的示例:

function Check-LogLine {

    # Writing to the Information Stream
    # (this output is not passed thru the pipeline)
    Write-Host "[$([datetime]::Now.ToString('u'))] $line"

$tmp = New-TemporaryFile
# This job will run in the background writing to a temp file each 2 seconds
$job = Start-Job {
    $tmp = $using:tmp
    0..10 | ForEach-Object {
        Start-Sleep 2

        if($_ -ne 5) {
            "$_ ... Running!" | Add-Content $tmp.FullName

        "$_ ... Stopping!" | Add-Content $tmp.FullName

try {
    Get-Content $tmp.FullName -Wait -Tail 1 | ForEach-Object {
        # The output to this function goes to the Info Stream
        Check-LogLine $_

        if($_ -like '*Stopping*') {
            Write-Host 'Stopping here...'
            $job | Stop-Job | Remove-Job

            'this output goes to Success Stream to stop this pipeline...'
    } | Select-Object -First 1
finally {
    $tmp | Remove-Item

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