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我可以从另一个文件上传 firestore.rules 吗?

[英]can I upload firestore.rules from another file?

other than firebase deploy --only firestore:rules is there any other solution to upload the rules?除了firebase deploy --only firestore:rules还有其他上传规则的解决方案吗?

the goal is to upload a different rules file without changing the project configuration目标是在不更改项目配置的情况下上传不同的规则文件

The command only tells the Firebase that it should upload the Firestore rules, not which file to upload.该命令仅告诉 Firebase应该上传 Firestore 规则,而不是要上传哪个文件。 What exact file it uploads is actually configured in the firebase.json file for that project.它上传的确切文件实际上是在该项目的firebase.json文件中配置的。 There is no way to specify the file name on the command line though.但是无法在命令行上指定文件名。

What you can do is set up multiple project aliases , one for each rules file you want to use, and then either switch between the aliases with firebase use... or specify the alias with a --project=<alias> flag.可以做的是设置多个项目别名,一个用于您要使用的每个规则文件,然后使用firebase use...在别名之间切换,或者使用--project=<alias>标志指定别名。


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