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模态正在错误地删除表中的第一行。 如何获得与我的删除按钮关联的正确 ID?

[英]Modal Is Deleting The First Row In The Table Incorrectly. How Do I get the right ID associated with my DELETE button?

I've been at this all day.我整天都在做这个。 I've researched it and the docs are a bit scarce.我已经研究过了,文档有点稀缺。 I do recognize that I am getting the first ID at the top of the table because the IDs are all the same.我确实认识到我在表格顶部获得了第一个 ID,因为这些 ID 都是相同的。 I don't know how to get the "right" ID when I'm deleting the row.删除行时,我不知道如何获得“正确”的 ID。 The modal is popping..and the delete works...it's just the wrong record gets deleted...模式正在弹出......并且删除有效......只是错误的记录被删除......


 {% for notify in notify_list %}
   <tr style="vertical-align:top">
      <td class="hide">
            <div id="myModaldelete" class="modaldelete">
              <div class="modal-content-delete">
                <span class="closedelete"></span>
                <img class="logo4" src="/static/images/threecircles.svg">
                <p>Delete Request?</p>
                <button type="button" class="button165" id="yesBtndelete" value="{{ notify.id }}">Yes</button>
                <button type="button" class="button160" id="noBtndelete">No</button>
            <button type="button" class="button114">
            <div class="txtalgn114"><h2 class="txtalgn114a">Delete</h2></div></button>
          {% endfor %}

My Javascript...我的Javascript...

   // Get the modal
   var modaldelete = document.getElementById("myModaldelete");

   // Get the button that opens the modal
   var btndelete = document.getElementById("myBtndelete");

   // Get the button that opens the modal
   var nobtndelete = document.getElementById("noBtndelete");

   // Get the <span> element that closes the modal
   var span = document.getElementsByClassName("closedelete")[0];

   // When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal
   span.onclick = function(e) {
     modaldelete.style.display = "none";

   // When the user clicks on the No button, close the modal
   nobtndelete.onclick = function(e) {
     modaldelete.style.display = "none";

   // When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
   window.onclick = function(event) {
     if (event.target == modaldelete ) {
       modaldelete.style.display = "none";

   $(document).on('click', '.button114', function(e) { // note the e, thats the event

       modaldelete.style.display = "block";


   $(document).on('click', '.button165', function(e) { // note the e, thats the event

      var id = $(this).val();          
      document.location.href = "/url/" + id;


I've read about maybe adding the ID to the ID name so that it's unique as a possible solution...I just can't figure out how to get it to work...Thanks in advance for any thoughts....I'm not using BootStrap on purpose...Just for the record...我读过关于可能将 ID 添加到 ID 名称,这样它作为一个可能的解决方案是独一无二的……我只是不知道如何让它工作……提前感谢您的任何想法……我不是故意使用 BootStrap...只是为了记录...

You might just be opening the wrong modal, since you're opening the modal with:您可能只是打开了错误的模态,因为您是通过以下方式打开模态的:

modaldelete = document.getElementById("myModaldelete");

but wouldn't there be more than one of these, because you're looping through and creating the modals in the:但是不会有不止一个这样的,因为你正在循环并在以下位置创建模态:

 {% for notify in notify_list %}

You'd probably want to do something like:你可能想做类似的事情:

 {% set index = 0 %}
 {% for notify in notify_list %}
   <tr style="vertical-align:top">
      <td class="hide">
            <div id="myModaldelete{{index}}" class="modaldelete">
  {% index++ %}
  {% endfor %}

which would give the modals different ids, and then you'd need to reference which modal to open with the button like:这将为模态提供不同的 ID,然后您需要引用使用按钮打开的模态,例如:

<button type="button" class="button114" onclick="openModal({{index}})">
        <div class="txtalgn114"><h2 class="txtalgn114a">Delete</h2></div></button>

and inside openModal():在 openModal() 里面:

function openModal(index) {
  var modaldelete = document.getElementById("myModaldelete" + index);
  modaldelete.style.display = "block";

Hopefully that works!希望这有效!

First of all, you are doing a mistake by giving id to repeated HTML elements.首先,您将id赋予重复的 HTML 元素是错误的。 You can avoid such by giving that id value as class instead.您可以通过将该id值改为class来避免这种情况。 Then, you can give your row ID in a data attribute:然后,您可以在data属性中提供您的行 ID:

<button type="button" class="myBtndelete" data-id="{{ notify.id }}">Yes</button>
<button type="button" class="noBtndelete">No</button>

Now, you can get all your myBtndelete buttons by using getElementByClassName instead.现在,您可以改用getElementByClassName来获取所有myBtndelete按钮。

Also, you can get the ID value on click using:此外,您可以使用以下方法获取点击时的 ID 值:

$(document).on('click', '.myBtndelete', function(e) { 
    var id = $(this).data('id')
    document.location.href = "/url/" + id; 

Another way: You can replace your button elements with a elements in order to give them href attribute on the fly without having to handle the click explicitly using JavaScript, but you have to handle the styling of the anchor a elements to have the button look and feel like giving them some Bootstrap classes:另一种方法:您可以用a元素替换button元素,以便动态地为它们提供href属性,而不必使用 JavaScript 显式处理点击,但是您必须处理锚a元素的样式以使按钮看起来和想给他们一些 Bootstrap 类:

<a href="/some-url/{{notify.id}}" class="btn btn-primary myBtndelete">Yes</a> 

Ok...After about a day or two of playing with this concept...I figured it out...I was missing a few things...Most importantly the back and forth with the Javascript and the ID value...I had to add the following Javascript logic...I moved the modal out of my loop and added a hidden input to get the ID value.好吧......在玩这个概念大约一两天之后......我想通了......我遗漏了一些东西......最重要的是来回与 Javascript 和 ID 值......我必须添加以下 Javascript 逻辑...我将模态移出循环并添加隐藏输入以获取 ID 值。 Thanks to all who helped me piece this one together.感谢所有帮助我拼凑这个的人。 It was complicated.这很复杂。 For me anyway.反正对我来说。

   $('.button114').on('click', function (event) {
     modaldelete[0].style.display = "block";
     var id = $(this).data('id');
     document.getElementById("modal-input-value").value = id;

   $('.button165').on('click', function (event) {
     // Get the hidden input element
     var hiddenInput = document.getElementById("modal-input-value");
     // Get the value of the hidden input
     var id = hiddenInput.value;
     document.location.href = "/url/" + id;

  <div id="myModaldelete{{ notify.id }}" class="modaldelete">
    <div class="modal-content-delete">
      <span class="closedelete"></span>
      <img class="logo4" src="/static/images/threecircles.svg">
      <p>Delete Request?</p>
       <input type="hidden" id="modal-input-value">
      <button type="button" class="button165">Yes</button>
      <button type="button" class="button160" id="noBtndelete">No</button>

{% for notify in notify_list %}
  <tr style="vertical-align:top">
{% if user.userprofile.eDirector_queue_delete_confirm == "Yes" %}
<td class="hide">
  <button type="button" class="button114" data-id="{{ notify.id }}">
  <div class="txtalgn114"><h2 class="txtalgn114a">Delete</h2></div></button>
{% endif &}
{% endfor %}

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