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如果 function 有返回值,则应在 function 的末尾添加显式返回

[英]You should add explicit return at end of a function if function have return value except none

import collections

import numpy as np

def is_square_magic(rows_and_cols):
    """is square magic"""

    matrix = [[int(num) for num in input().split()] for _ in range(rows_and_cols)]

    matrix_length = np.array(matrix).size
    uniqueness_check = len(np.unique(matrix))
    ascending_sort = np.unique(matrix)

    if matrix_length == uniqueness_check and ascending_sort[-1] == pow(rows_and_cols, 2):
        horizontal_flip = np.trace(matrix)
        vertical_flip = sum(np.fliplr(matrix).diagonal())
        sum_of_rows = np.sum(matrix, axis=1)
        sum_of_columns = np.sum(matrix, axis=0)

        rows_check = collections.Counter(sum_of_rows)
        columns_check = collections.Counter(sum_of_columns)

        return (horizontal_flip == vertical_flip).any() and (rows_check == columns_check)

if is_square_magic(int(input())):

string № 6 show me next: Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should string № 6 接下来告诉我:要么 function 中的所有 return 语句都应该返回一个表达式,要么都不应该

I was trying to output the result to a single variable.我试图将结果 output 转换为单个变量。 I'm just not very good at functions and returning values.我只是不太擅长函数和返回值。

Pylint is complaining about R1710 . Pylint 抱怨R1710 Add a final return statement at the end of your function to fix it.在您的 function 末尾添加最终return语句以修复它。

return False

You can read more about this rule here .您可以在此处阅读有关此规则的更多信息。

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