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Firebase 身份验证有效,但 Ui 在 svelte 中将用户名闪烁为未定义

[英]Firebase auth works, but Ui is blinking username to undefined in svelte

  1. It seems working shortly似乎很快就会起作用
  2. The problem is blinking screen, when i do form action, ui shows email very shortly, but change to undefined问题是屏幕闪烁,当我执行表单操作时,ui 很快显示 email,但变为未定义
  • +page.svelte +page.svelte
    {#if !$fbUser}
        <a href="/auth">go auth</a>
  • +page.server.ts +页面.server.ts
export const actions: Actions = {
    register: async ({ request }) => {
        const data = await request.formData();
        const email = String(data.get('email'));
        const password = String(data.get('password'));
        try {
            await fbUser.createUser({ email, password });
        } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof FirebaseError) {
                return fail(409, {
                    failed: true,
                    error: e.message
        throw redirect(307, "/home")
  • writable store可写存储
const userWritable = writable<User | null>(fb_auth.currentUser);

function authStore() {
    const { set, subscribe, update } = userWritable;

    const changes = () => onAuthStateChanged(fb_auth, (u) => {
        if (u) set(u)
        else update((curr) => curr = u)

    return {
        createUser: async (user: Register) => {
            await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(fb_auth, user.email, user.password);

I tried installing onAuthStateChanged in +page.svelte instead of store using load function for onAuthStateChanged... but all result are same.我尝试在 +page.svelte 中安装 onAuthStateChanged 而不是使用 load function for onAuthStateChanged 安装 onAuthStateChanged ... 但所有结果都是相同的。 email shows very shortly after that it is changed to undefined. email 不久后显示为未定义。 seems serverside(firebase) works, but i think im missing something on ui concepts似乎服务器端(firebase)有效,但我认为我在 ui 概念上遗漏了一些东西

Try to add an await block surround your div in +page.svelte尝试在 +page.svelte 中的 div 周围添加一个等待块

{#await fbUser}
    {#if !$fbUser}
        <a href="/auth">go auth</a>

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