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在不阻塞 Outlook 功能的情况下最小化 winform

[英]Minimise winform without blocking Outlook functionality

I am working on a vsto plugin in which I've created a Form(WinForm) that has fields for long text that user has to copy from previous mails.我正在开发一个vsto插件,我在其中创建了一个 Form(WinForm),其中包含用户必须从以前的邮件中复制的长文本字段。 Now, the issue i am facing is, whenever I minimise the winform, the whole Outlook gets minimised.现在,我面临的问题是,每当我最小化 winform 时,整个 Outlook 都会被最小化。 And when I try to open the outlook application from taskbar, it goes to form again.当我尝试从任务栏打开 outlook 应用程序时,它再次进入表单。

Is there a way where user can minimise the Form and work on outlook application independently?有没有一种方法可以让用户最小化表单并独立处理 outlook 应用程序? For example, he/she might need to scroll through few mails to get some values of field in the winform more than one time, so they minimise the form, fetch the long text, then open the form again and paste it.例如,他/她可能需要滚动浏览几封邮件才能多次获取 winform 中某些字段的值,因此他们将表单最小化,获取长文本,然后再次打开表单并粘贴。

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