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TailwindCSS - 背景图片未在构建时加载

[英]TailwindCSS - background image not loading on build

I'm doing a Frontend Mentor challenge and I've ran into a problem when publishing my project to Vercel.我正在做一个前端导师挑战,我在将我的项目发布到 Vercel 时遇到了问题。

The background image can't load.无法加载背景图像。 Everything works on my local machine, but when deployed, the only image that doesn't load is that background image.一切都在我的本地机器上运行,但在部署时,唯一不加载的图像是背景图像。

  1. I'm using the Vite buildtool, React and TailwindCSS.我正在使用 Vite 构建工具、React 和 TailwindCSS。
  2. The image path is ./public/images/bg-mobile.svg图片路径为./public/images/bg-mobile.svg
  3. I imported the image in my tailwind.config.cjs and use it as a tailwin "bg-" class.我将图像导入到我的tailwind.config.cjs中并将其用作 tailwin“bg-”class。

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, I'd be really happy to know.如果有人知道我做错了什么,我会很高兴知道。

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        "huddle-violet": "hsl(257, 40%, 49%)",
        "huddle-magenta": "hsl(300, 69%, 71%)",
      backgroundImage: {
        "desktop": "url('./images/bg-desktop.svg')",
        "mobile": "url('./images/bg-mobile.svg')"
  plugins: [require('prettier-plugin-tailwindcss')],
<body class="bg-huddle-violet bg-mobile bg-contain bg-no-repeat">
  <div id="root"></div>
  <script type="module" src="/src/main.tsx"></script>

Link to the hosted site链接到托管站点

Link to the Github repo 链接到 Github 仓库

The relative path being used is wrong.使用的相对路径是错误的。

./ with this you mean one heirarchy up. ./有了这个,你的意思是一个层次结构。

But according to your question ./public/images/bg-mobile.svg但是根据你的问题./public/images/bg-mobile.svg

So try replacing ./ with / it should work.因此,请尝试将./替换为/它应该可以工作。

Final code:最终代码:

backgroundImage: {
  "desktop": "url('/images/bg-desktop.svg')",
  "mobile": "url('/images/bg-mobile.svg')"
backgroundImage: { "desktop": "url('/images/bg-desktop.svg')", "mobile": "url('/images/bg-mobile.svg')" },

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