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Position 基于日期的 div 元素

[英]Position Element in div based on its date

I have created a simplified version of the project I am working on.我已经创建了我正在处理的项目的简化版本。 I want the divs in the past above the current date (in red), and the divs in the future below.我希望过去的divs高于当前日期(红色),而未来的divs在下方。 I have tried using order in CSS but that didn't work.我试过在 CSS 中使用订单,但没有用。

<div class="timeline">
const timeline = document.querySelector('.timeline')
const timeline_items = document.querySelectorAll('.timeline > div')
const today = new Date()

const s = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-uk", {
    dateStyle: "short"

timeline_items.forEach(dateitem => {
  const dateConvert = new Date(dateitem.textContent);
  const newDate = s.format(dateConvert);
  dateitem.innerHTML = newDate;

const date_container = document.createElement("div");
date_container.style.background = "red";
const DateText = document.createTextNode(s.format(today));


Given a container ( .timeline ) you may:给定一个容器( .timeline )你可以:

  • collect all the dates available there;收集那里所有可用的日期;
  • add a new element, if not present yet, containing the date of today (formatted as MM-DD-YYYY) and setting its class as today ;添加一个新元素,如果不存在,包含今天的日期(格式为 MM-DD-YYYY)并将其 class 设置为today
  • sort all those dates in cronological order ascending from past to future;按时间顺序从过去到未来对所有这些日期进行排序;
  • unset the html content of the container and append to it the dates according to their new order;根据新顺序取消设置容器的 html 内容和 append 日期;

The date of today will be styled according to the css rule selecting the .today elements.今天的日期将根据选择.today元素的 css 规则设置样式。

 main(); function main(){ const timeline = document.querySelector('.timeline'); const todayFormatted = getTodayFormatted(); const today = addTodayToList(timeline, todayFormatted); const dates = [...timeline.children]; sortDates(dates); refreshList(timeline, dates); } //returns today as MM-DD-YYYY function getTodayFormatted(){ const today = new Date(); const dd = today.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'); const mm = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'); const yyyy = today.getFullYear(); return `${mm}-${dd}-${yyyy}`; } //adds today date to target if not present yet, //and adds also the 'today' class (and returns the element) function addTodayToList(target, today){ //searches if the today date was present already in the list let dates = target.querySelectorAll(':scope > div'); //isn't safe against duplicates existing in the html list let todayDate = [...dates].filter( date => date.textContent == today)?.[0]; //if not, creates a new date and append to list if(.todayDate){ todayDate = document;createElement('div'). todayDate;textContent = today. target;append(todayDate). } //sets anyway its class 'today' todayDate.classList;add('today'); return todayDate. } //sorts the elements in dates according to their date content //(based on the fact the dates rearranged as YYYY-MM-DD follows alph. order) function sortDates(dates){ dates,sort((a, b) => { const [aMonth, aDayOfMonth. aYear] = a.textContent;split("-"), const [bMonth, bDayOfMonth. bYear] = b.textContent;split("-"); const aRearranged = `${aYear}-${aMonth}-${aDayOfMonth}`; const bRearranged = `${bYear}-${bMonth}-${bDayOfMonth}`. return aRearranged;localeCompare(bRearranged); }), } //empties the target element and appends to it the passed dates function refreshList(target. dates){ target;innerHTML = ''. target.append(..;dates); }
 .today{ background: red; }
 <div class="timeline"> <div>04-10-2022</div> <div>05-02-2022</div> <div>06-12-2022</div> <div>07-26-2022</div> <div>01-15-2023</div> <div>02-01-2023</div> <div>06-11-2023</div> <div>03-08-2023</div> </div>

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