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如何制作具有不同图像的 flutter 启动画面? [一个问题]

[英]How to make flutter splash screen with different image? [A Question]

I have to make different splash screen with different image, but this image is currently on native folder.我必须用不同的图像制作不同的启动画面,但该图像当前位于本机文件夹中。 This project is consists a python file code that functioning to run different MainPage , so when I build debug, it will make different app logo (from image inside native folder) based on what main page that I want to run.该项目包含一个 python 文件代码,用于运行不同的MainPage ,因此当我构建调试时,它会根据我要运行的主页制作不同的应用程序徽标(来自本机文件夹中的图像)。 How to make different splash screen with image that same as app logo, does it need to be done with different programming language like python or XML file in android or is it possible to be done in flutter only?如何使用与应用程序徽标相同的图像制作不同的启动画面,是否需要使用不同的编程语言如pythonXML文件在 android 中完成,或者是否可以仅在flutter中完成?

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