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您如何使用 Powerapps 在 powerapps 库中的选定路径内创建文件夹到 sharepoint 库?

[英]How can u create folder inside the selected path in powerapps gallery to a sharepoint library using Powerapps?

I have a gallery wherein the data source is connected Documents in sharepoint library.我有一个图库,其中数据源连接到 sharepoint 库中的文档。 I already create flow that triggered the creation of folder in /Shared Documents path, however want I want after that creation of folder I need to create another folder inside it or another folder inside the folder that I have created.我已经创建了触发在 /Shared Documents 路径中创建文件夹的流程,但是我希望在创建文件夹之后我需要在其中创建另一个文件夹或在我创建的文件夹内创建另一个文件夹。

Can someone help me with this matter.有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗? Thank you in advance先感谢您

The quickest way to achieve this, is to extend your existing flow with another step that uses the path of the new folder to add a child folder (from the outputs of the action creating it).实现此目的的最快方法是通过另一个步骤扩展现有流程,该步骤使用新文件夹的路径添加子文件夹(来自创建它的操作的输出)。 This, however is not very flexible.然而,这不是很灵活。

Alternatively, you can use the Respond to PowerApps action to feed back the path of the new folder to Power Apps.或者,您可以使用响应 PowerApps 操作将新文件夹的路径反馈给 Power Apps。 Then you can use the result to trigger the same flow again, with different inputs as many times as you want.然后您可以使用结果再次触发相同的流程,根据需要使用不同的输入多次。

Yet another option is to create this functionality in a solution.另一种选择是在解决方案中创建此功能。 This enables you to call your folder-creating flow as a child flow.这使您能够将创建文件夹的流程称为子流程。 Then you could create an arbitrary number of parent flows, eg one flow calling it from the app, then another flow could fire when the folder is created to add a child folder, etc.然后您可以创建任意数量的父流,例如一个流从应用程序调用它,然后在创建文件夹以添加子文件夹等时触发另一个流。

You can also look into the SharePoint REST API reference to see if there are any useful additional options when creating folders/subfolders.您还可以查看 SharePoint REST API 参考,看看在创建文件夹/子文件夹时是否有任何有用的附加选项。

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