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IE 到边缘迁移

[英]IE to Edge Migration

I have an application that supports and runs only on IE mode and now I need the application to support and run on native Microsoft edge as well.我有一个仅支持并在 IE 模式下运行的应用程序,现在我需要该应用程序也支持并在本机 Microsoft Edge 上运行。 What are the compatibility/migration steps I need to follow technically to make the application support and run on Edge browser?我需要在技术上遵循哪些兼容性/迁移步骤才能使应用程序支持并在 Edge 浏览器上运行?

The suggestion from inte.net is full of configuration changes in the browser and local settings. inte.net 的建议充满了浏览器和本地设置中的配置更改。

The most important thing I suppose is you'll need to know whether you have any deprecated/unsupported API in your application that is supported in IE but not in Edge.我认为最重要的事情是您需要知道在您的应用程序中是否有任何已弃用/不受支持的 API 在 IE 中受支持但在 Edge 中不受支持。 Also, please note that ActiveX controls and BHO are not supported in Edge.另外请注意,Edge 不支持 ActiveX 控件和 BHO。 Edge is designed to work with current web standards like HTML 5. Edge 旨在与当前的 web 标准一起使用,例如 HTML 5。

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