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Cloud Function 从 PubSub 检索属性 - Python

[英]Cloud Function to retrieve attributes from PubSub - Python

I created a GCP Cloud Functions which is triggered by a PubSub topic.我创建了一个由 PubSub 主题触发的 GCP Cloud Functions。

import base64

def hello_pubsub(event, context):
    pubsub_message = base64.b64decode(event['data']).decode('utf-8')

I publish messages using the below command which triggers the Cloud Functions.我使用以下触发云功能的命令发布消息。

gcloud pubsub topics publish test-topic --message="test" \

Using this I can access only the "message" part of the topic.使用它我只能访问主题的“消息”部分。 How can I access the "attribute" values from the PubSub message.如何从 PubSub 消息访问“属性”值。 I want to fetch the origin and username from the topic.我想从主题中获取来源和用户名。

From the documentation for v1 Cloud Functions : 来自 v1 Cloud Functions 的文档

event (dict):  The dictionary with data specific to this type of
                event. The `@type` field maps to
                The `data` field maps to the PubsubMessage data
                in a base64-encoded string. The `attributes` field maps
                to the PubsubMessage attributes if any is present.

So I think just using event['attributes'] should work.所以我认为只使用event['attributes']应该可行。 See also . 另见

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