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[英]admob : Ads diffusion limited

I recently have problem with my Google Admob account and Google block my account temporarily because their say their are incorrect traffic in my account (but I don't do anything such as click on ads that appear on my apps).我的 Google Admob 帐户最近出现问题,Google 暂时阻止了我的帐户,因为他们说我帐户中的流量不正确(但我没有做任何事情,例如点击出现在我的应用程序中的广告)。

Their reactivated my account few day ago and I try to add some ads code to my new application.他们几天前重新激活了我的帐户,我尝试将一些广告代码添加到我的新应用程序中。 Before going to production, I test ads with "Ad test" And all work perfect.在投入生产之前,我使用“广告测试”测试广告并且一切正常。

But when I use my real app ID for pub, I don't see add or I see a black screen where ad suppose to be.但是,当我将真实的应用程序 ID 用于 pub 时,我看不到添加,或者我在应该有广告的地方看到黑屏。 And this morning, I saw Google send me a mail that say their limited ads diffusion because their mention incorrect traffic on my account buy I don't make action such as clicking to ads.今天早上,我看到谷歌给我发了一封邮件,说他们的广告传播有限,因为他们提到了我帐户上的不正确流量购买我不采取点击广告等行动。

I don't understand what really happen when their say I have incorrect traffic.当他们说我的流量不正确时,我不明白到底发生了什么。

Should I not open my app when I put ads on it and how can I do to avoid this issue for the next time?当我在应用程序上投放广告时,我是否应该不打开我的应用程序?我该如何做才能避免下次出现此问题?

Thanks.谢谢。 (Sorry for my English) (对不起我的英语不好)

wait for few days google will analyze your traffic and they'll remove ad limits after completing their analyze.等待几天,谷歌将分析您的流量,他们将在完成分析后取消广告限制。

may be you have small userbase or you got sudden ad request by many user.可能是您的用户群很小,或者您突然收到许多用户的广告请求。 In this case, admob will add your account in Ad limited criteria.在这种情况下,admob 会将您的帐户添加到广告限制条件中。

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