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spring security oauth2 hasScope xml 安全升级到什么方法?

[英]spring security oauth2 hasScope xml method security upgrade to what?

As spring-security-oauth2 obsoleted ref: EOL for Spring Security OAuth ,作为spring-security-oauth2 obsoleted ref: EOL for Spring Security OAuth
cannot use #oauth2.hasScope([scope]) in xml config provided by OAuth2SecurityExpressionMethods.java不能在 OAuth2SecurityExpressionMethods.java 提供的xml配置中使用#oauth2.hasScope([scope])

Expected to see ast parser or similar handler in either spring-security-oauth2-jose , spring-security-oauth2-client , spring-security-oauth2-core to accomplish that in the following example, #oauth2 security expressions on method level .期望在spring-security-oauth2-josespring-security-oauth2-clientspring-security-oauth2-core中看到 ast 解析器或类似处理程序,以在以下示例#oauth2 security expressions on method level中完成。

Is there something i missed for xml config for oauth2 scope checking?对于 oauth2 scope 检查的 xml 配置,我错过了什么吗?
Or i must implement it by hasAuthority('SCOPE_[scope]')或者我必须通过hasAuthority('SCOPE_[scope]')来实现它


have to switch to hasAuthority("SCOPE_scope")必须切换到 hasAuthority("SCOPE_scope")
Spring Security converts scopes that follow the granted authority naming convention
ref: OAuth 2.0 Migration Guide参考: OAuth 2.0 迁移指南

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