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为什么 R 用基本计算计算 m for 循环要花这么多时间?

[英]Why does it take so much time for R to compute m for loop with basic calculations?

Why does the computation of the following code in R take so much time?为什么在 R 中以下代码的计算需要这么长时间? It takes many minutes, so I have interruped the calculations.这需要很多分钟,所以我中断了计算。

My aim is to adapt my simulated random numbers ( sumzv , dim(sumzv) = 1000000 x 10) to my market model S_t (geometric brownian motion).我的目标是使我的模拟随机数( sumzv , dim(sumzv) = 1000000 x 10)适应我的市场 model S_t (几何布朗运动)。 The vectors m and s describe the drift and the deviation of the GBM and are vectors containing 10 numbers.向量ms描述了GBM的漂移和偏差,是包含10个数字的向量。 DEL is the variable for the time steps. DEL是时间步长的变量。 S_0 is a vector containing 10 stock prices at time 0. S_0是一个包含 10 个股票在时间 0 的价格的向量。

n <- 1000000
k <- 10

S_t <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k))

i <- 1
j <- 1
t <- 10

for (j in 1:k) {
  for (i in 1:n) {
    S_t[i, j] <- S_0[j] * exp(m[j] * t * DEL + s[j] * sqrt(DEL) * sumzv[i, j])

Thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。 Please keep in mind that I'm a beginner:)请记住我是初学者:)

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any helpful information so far on the inte.net.不幸的是,到目前为止我在 inte.net 上找不到任何有用的信息。 Some pages said, vectorization is helpful to speed up an R Code, but this doesn't seem helpful to me.有些页面说,矢量化有助于加速 R 代码,但这对我来说似乎没有帮助。 I tried to break down the data frames into vectors but this got very complex.我试图将数据帧分解为向量,但这变得非常复杂。

The following code with vectorized inner loop is equivalent to the posted code.以下带有矢量化内循环的代码等同于发布的代码。
It also pre-computes some inner loop vectors, fac1 and fac2 .它还预先计算了一些内部循环向量fac1fac2

S_t <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m))
fac1 <- m * t * DEL
fac2 <- s * sqrt(DEL)
for (j in 1:k) {
  S_t[, j] <- S_0[j] * exp(fac1[j] + fac2[j] * sumzv[, j])

The fully vectorized version of the loop on j above is the one-liner below.上面j上循环的完全矢量化版本是下面的单行代码。 The transposes are needed because R is column major and we are multiplying by row vectors indexed on j = 1:k .需要转置,因为 R 是主要列,我们乘以索引为j = 1:k的行向量。

S_t2 <- t(S_0 * exp(fac1 + fac2 * t(sumzv)))

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