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如何使用 Roslyn 在命名空间外添加 using 指令?

[英]How to add a using directive outside a namespace using Roslyn?

I have a CSharpSyntaxRewriter that adds a new using directive to my file:-我有一个 CSharpSyntaxRewriter,它向我的文件添加了一个新的 using 指令:-

public class AddUsingDirective : CSharpSyntaxRewriter
    public override SyntaxNode VisitNamespaceDeclaration(NamespaceDeclarationSyntax node)
        // this adds the using directive inside the namespace not outside
        node = node.AddUsings(SyntaxFactory.UsingDirective(SyntaxFactory.ParseName("MyCompany.MyProject.DataAccessLayer.Abstractions"))).NormalizeWhitespace();

        return base.VisitNamespaceDeclaration(node);

The problem is that is adds the new using directive inside the namespace but I want to add it to the other existing namespaces above the namespace declaration.问题是在命名空间添加了新的 using 指令,但我想将它添加到命名空间声明上方的其他现有命名空间。 Any ideas how I can do this?我有什么想法可以做到这一点?

public override SyntaxNode VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitSyntax node)
    // this adds the using directive inside the namespace not outside
    node = node.AddUsings(SyntaxFactory.UsingDirective(SyntaxFactory.ParseName("MyCompany.MyProject.DataAccessLayer.Abstractions"))).NormalizeWhitespace();

    return base.VisitNamespaceDeclaration(node);

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