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如何在 JetBrains IDE 中启用/禁用花哨的比较符号

[英]How to enable/disable fancy comparison signs in JetBrains IDEs

My PyCharm changes the appearance of comparison symbols as I type them.我的 PyCharm 在我输入比较符号时改变了它们的外观。 For example, if I type " >= ", it turns it into the way you'd write it in a math notebook, like so:例如,如果我输入“ >= ”,它会把它变成你在数学笔记本上的书写方式,如下所示:


I couldn't find where in PyCharm's setting that is so I could disable it, or enable it in friends' installations where it doesn't work that way (the sign just remains >= ).我无法在 PyCharm 的设置中找到它的位置,所以我可以禁用它,或者在它不起作用的朋友的安装中启用它(标志只是保持>= )。

Where's the setting to disable this special rendering of comparison operators?禁用比较运算符的这种特殊呈现的设置在哪里?

I tried googling for the answer in several different phrasings and didn't find anything useful.我尝试用谷歌搜索几种不同的措辞来寻找答案,但没有找到任何有用的信息。

This question should also apply to other JetBrains IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA and CLion.这个问题也适用于其他 JetBrains IDE,例如 IntelliJ IDEA 和 CLion。

This called a ligature .这称为连字 Go look at what font your IDE is using. Go看看你的IDE用的是什么字体。 It's probably JetBrains Mono , which supports many ligatures for programming operators and such.它可能是JetBrains Mono ,它支持编程运算符等的许多连字。

To disable it, go to the font settings, and uncheck the box that says "Enable font ligatures".要禁用它,go 到字体设置,并取消选中“启用字体连字”框。

Or alternatively, you can switch to a font that doesn't have ligatures in it.或者,您可以切换到其中没有连字的字体。

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