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[英]in C addresses do not work in functions , why is that?

When trying to use a C++ style in C:尝试在 C 中使用 C++ 样式时:

void square(int &x){
    x = x * x;

This gets an error.这会出错。 error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before '&' token错误:在“&”标记之前需要“;”、“、”或“)”

i'm most comfortable with c++, but i'm learning C, is there a way to to have adressess in void functions我最喜欢 c++,但我正在学习 C,有没有办法在 void 函数中获取地址

Tried switching from void -> int, double, char.尝试从 void -> int、double、char 切换。 It only works when i take away the & symbol, but i would like to have an address there.它只有在我去掉 & 符号时才有效,但我想在那里有一个地址。 Is there a way to do that?有没有办法做到这一点? Should i just use * instead of &, like this:我应该只使用 * 而不是 &,像这样:

void square(int *x){
    x = (*x) * (*x);

C language does not have C++ references. C 语言没有 C++ 引用。 You need to use pointers你需要使用指针

void square(int *x)
    *x = *x * *x;

Your second code is invalid as you assign a local pointer with integer converted to pointer.您的第二个代码无效,因为您分配了一个本地指针,其中 integer 转换为指针。

Even in C++ the sign & does not denote an address in a declaration.即使在 C++ 中,符号&也不表示声明中的地址。 It denotes a reference.它表示引用。

This declaration in C++本声明在C++

void square(int &x){

means that the function accepts its argiment by reference.表示 function 通过引用接受其参数。

In C passing by reference means passing an object indirectly through a pointer to it.在 C 中,通过引用传递意味着通过指向它的指针间接传递 object。 So dereferencing a pointer within a function you get a direct access to the original object passed to the function through the pointer.因此,取消引用 function 中的指针,您可以直接访问通过指针传递给 function 的原始 object。

So this function in C++所以这个 function 在 C++

void square(int &x){
    x = x * x;

accepts an object of the type int by reference.通过引用接受int类型的 object。

In C this function在 C 这个 function

void square(int *x){
    *x = *x * *x;

accepts an object of the type int by reference indirectly through a pointer to it.通过指向它的指针间接引用接受 object 类型的int

Pay attention to that the assignment statement in the second function注意第二个function中的赋值语句

void square(int *x){
    x = (*x) * (*x);

is incorrect.是不正确的。 You are trying to assign an integer expression to a pointer.您正在尝试将 integer 表达式分配给指针。 You have to write你必须写

    *x = *x * *x;

as already shown above.如上所示。 That is you need to change the passed object of the type int to the function indirectly through a pointer to it.那就是你需要通过指向它的指针间接地将传递的 object 类型的int更改为 function 。

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