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有没有办法比较两个 arrays 中的字符串,看看其中一个是否存在于另一个中

[英]Is there a way to compare the strings in two arrays to see if one of them is present within the other

I have two arrays.我有两个 arrays。

First one: const triggerWord = ["what", "how", "where", "who", "can"];第一个: const triggerWord = ["what", "how", "where", "who", "can"];

Second one: const myArray = query.split(" ");第二个: const myArray = query.split(" "); - it is created after splitting the user input in this case called query. - 它是在拆分用户输入后创建的,在这种情况下称为查询。

One is a fixed number of strings, that will not change as they are the trigger words.一种是固定数量的字符串,不会因为它们是触发词而改变。 The other array is an input string that has been split into an array, separated by a space.另一个数组是一个输入字符串,已拆分为一个数组,以空格分隔。

I am trying to build some sort of control flow that if any of the triggerWords are present within the myArray then it should call a specific function call the questionFunction().我正在尝试构建某种控制流,如果 myArray 中存在任何 triggerWords,那么它应该调用特定的 function 调用 questionFunction()。 However the else is that is should call the statement function. Here are the functions I have attempted:然而, else应该调用语句 function。以下是我尝试过的功能:

#1: Switch Case: #1:开关盒:

switch (lowercaseMyArray.includes()) {
    case triggerWord[0].toString():
    case triggerWord[1].toString():
    case triggerWord[2].toString():
    case triggerWord[3].toString():

#2: If statement #2: If 语句

if (lowercaseMyArray.includes(triggerWord[0] || triggerWord[1] || triggerWord[2] || triggerWord[3], 2)) {
    //alert("This is a question");
    //passe onto questionFunction
} else {

#3: Bool and If Statment #3: Bool 和 If 语句

var lowercaseMyArrayBool = lowercaseMyArray.includes(triggerWord);

    if (lowercaseMyArrayBool === true) {
    } else {

The idea being that if it contains a trigger word then the input must be a question and therefore treated as such.这个想法是,如果它包含一个触发词,那么输入必须是一个问题,因此被这样对待。 However if it doesn't contain the trigger words then the input is a statement and must be treated as that.但是,如果它不包含触发词,则输入是一个语句并且必须被视为该语句。

Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated.任何帮助或指示将不胜感激。

Resolved this with the following code:使用以下代码解决了这个问题:

const intersection = triggerWord.filter(element => lowercaseMyArray.includes(element)).length;
const intersectionBool = Boolean(intersection);

I just needed to cast the filtered array length as a Boolean, to get an accurate true or false result.我只需要将过滤后的数组长度转换为 Boolean,即可获得准确的 true 或 false 结果。

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