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在 electron.js 应用程序中单击通知时打开应用程序

[英]Open application when click on notification in electron.js app

I created one Electron application using webRTC where I implemented the notification for incoming call.我使用 webRTC 创建了一个 Electron 应用程序,我在其中实现了来电通知。 When I click on notification I need that my application should be open if it is minimize.当我点击通知时,我需要我的应用程序在最小化时打开。

Could anyone suggest me the way?任何人都可以建议我的方式吗?

function showNotification (body_content) {
  let myNotification = new Notification({ title: NOTIFICATION_TITLE, 
    body: `Incoming Call from ${body_content}` }).show()


You can define the browser window variable as global and display it with the show() function when you click the notification.您可以将浏览器 window 变量定义为全局变量,并在单击通知时使用 show() function 显示它。

var browserWindow = null;

function createWindow () {
  browserWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600



function showNotification (body_content) {
  let myNotification = new Notification({ title: NOTIFICATION_TITLE, 
    body: `Incoming Call from ${body_content}` })

  myNotification.on('click', (event, arg)=>{
    console.log("notification clicked")

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