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参数没有从 Postgres function 中获取值

[英]Argument not taking the value from Postgres function

I have a simple Postgres function where I want to take table_name as a parameter and pass it into an argument and delete the data from table by condition.我有一个简单的 Postgres function,我想将 table_name 作为参数并将其传递给参数并按条件从表中删除数据。

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdc.audit_refresh(tablename text)
RETURNS integer AS
   delete from tablename where id<4;
   RETURN(select 1);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select cdc.audit_refresh('cdc.adf_test');

But it throws out an error that tablename ERROR: relation "tablename" does not exist in the delete statement.(refer snapshot)但它抛出一个错误,即表名错误:删除语句中不存在关系“表名”。(参考快照)

What you want to achieve is to execute Dynamic SQL statements.你想要实现的是执行 Dynamic SQL 语句。 You can do this with EXECUTE .您可以使用EXECUTE此操作。 See more here 在这里查看更多

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_refresh(tablename text)
    RETURNS integer AS
    stmt TEXT;
    stmt = 'delete from '||tablename||' where id<4;';
    EXECUTE stmt;
    RETURN 1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

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