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[英]Getting 'java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection' while connecting oracle database

I'm facing oracle database connectivity issue while running my automation script thru jenkins pipleline whereas it is working fine when I run the script in local.通过 jenkins pipleline 运行我的自动化脚本时,我面临 oracle 数据库连接问题,而当我在本地运行脚本时它工作正常。

Error Log: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection错误日志: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException:IO 错误:网络适配器无法建立连接
Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: *********: Name or service not known引起:java.net.UnknownHostException:*********:名称或服务未知

After googling it, able to understand that there could be a reason one among of these.谷歌搜索后,能够理解其中一个可能是有原因的。 firewall blocking, port disabled or proxy issue but not sure how to confirm it.防火墙阻塞、端口禁用或代理问题,但不确定如何确认。

Please help me how to fix this issue.请帮我解决这个问题。

Karunagara Pandi G Karunagara Pandi G

The "Caused by" gives you the answer: the configured database host is unknown! “由”给你答案:配置的数据库主机未知!

Either because you have a typo in the configuration ("hoost" instead of "host"), the respective machine is (was) currently offline, or the (local) DNS has (had) lost the name of the machine.因为您在配置中有错字(“主机”而不是“主机”),相应的机器(曾经)当前处于离线状态,或者(本地)DNS 已经(已经)丢失了机器的名称。 Another option is that someone renamed the database host (that would be similar to the typo, only that it was not really your fault).另一种选择是有人重命名了数据库主机(这类似于拼写错误,只是这不是你的错)。

Determine which options (maybe there are more …) fits to your situation and fix it.确定哪些选项(也许还有更多……)适合您的情况并修复它。


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